Electrical UPVC Pipes
Electric UPVC pipes are used in electrification and insulation of electrical connections.
NeyPoolica offers all kinds of electrical adhesive pipes in different sizes and thicknesses, with the best quality. Contact us for more information.
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Product Specifications

UPVC electrical pipes are mainly used to connect and insulate electrical wires and cables. These tubes are made of materials such as polyolefin and have an adhesive inside them that activates on contact with heat and adheres firmly to the surface of the wire.
The use of electrical pipes makes electrical connections resistant to moisture, impact and vibration. Also, they can act as thermal insulation and protect wires from high temperatures.
Therefore, UPVC electrical pipes are used to improve electrical connections and provide safety in electrical systems.
NeyPoolica is one of the top providers of this product by producing all kinds of upvc electric pipes in different sizes and thicknesses.
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